Drive to Glasgow

We left the cottage and drove the 1st 16.5 miles of the race course, stopping to see the many sights and to stretch the legs.


Scenic vista #108, just south of the Loch on the way to the Falls at Foyer

Susan demonstrates some fine running form on one of the many hills nearer to the start of the marathon.

We stopped at Falls at Foyers, but decided against taking the steps all the way down. Hey we made it part way!

Drove through many miles of treeless mountains and moors. Saw some evidence of clear cutting, but think it's mostly due to poor soil.

Loch Lomand

Us at Loch Lomand

Scottish Robin at Loch Lomand, sings a nice song

JC and Holly flew out on Tuesday am. Susan and I gladly turned the car in and took the bus to Glasgow.

We hiked it to the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, while it had some interesting displays and artifacts, their juxtaposition had us scratching our heads. In this shot you can see a spitfire apparently on a strafing run over a 100 y/o stuffed elephant.

Then there was Elvis!?

And of course no trip to Scotland would be complete without Haggis, here both stuffed and preserved!

Signs and names were surely not something you'd see in the USA. After a day of sightseeing we hopped the bus for airport (thankful not to be driving in that traffic!) and took the morning flight back to Newark.

Back to Loch Ness

Back to Edinburgh